Voters’ Voices


Bryan Thomas, Peter Forbes, Timothy Liebe, Amanda Perry, Joel Nixon (Callan Gray)

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“Getting out of debt, wiser spending and more focus on eco-friendly stuff, I guess.”
(Bryan Thomas, 26, of Syracuse, employed with the Syracuse University athletics department, Democrat)

“They’re absolutely spending too much money on war. They should fund human needs, not war. And they should think in terms of funding all of the impoverished, the poor, the starving in America.”
(Peter Forbes, 67, of Syracuse, sculptor, unaffiliated with a political party)

“I am very disappointed with the state of this country. I believe we need to get jobs, real jobs, not you know, essentially food service industry work. Real jobs. I believe we need manufacturing back in this country.”
(Timothy Liebe, 54, of Syracuse, freelance information technology consultant and writer, registered Republican)

“Housing for developmentally disabled. They’re sending these hundreds of people out into nothing because there don’t have services in place because there’s no funding for housing for developmentally disabled. We can’t build houses. We can’t have staff. It’s just crazy.”
(Amanda Perry, 24, of Syracuse,  a graduate student at Syracuse University School of Education in clinical mental health counseling, Democrat)

“They all should come together. Not one’s supposed be opposed to another or have different ideologies for one another or to make the person, you know, do less for the people and do more for the rich. That’s what I think it is, I think it’s crazy. But the rich get richer, the poor stay poor.”

(Joel Nixon, 55, of Syracuse’s South Side, unemployed on disability, former custodian)

(Callan Gray is a junior majoring in broadcast and digital journalism with a minor in music industry.)


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