Voices: What Should the Mayor Do?


Top row (left to right): Cynthia Atkins, Jon Sanford, Kerri-Sue Adams; Bottom Row (left to right): Tina Henshaw, Tony Barnello (Katrina Koerting)


“The people that work downtown, like myself, never have any place to park because the local people that are coming down for the time being take up the spots. I’ve paid more money in parking than I can imagine.  Six bucks every day at least. All that adds up in a week, whether you’re paying for parking or the tickets you get.”

(Jon Sanford, 21, east Syracuse, tattoo artist, not affiliated with a party)

“More help for people that don’t drive — like more bus services, better bike lanes, better stuff like that.  That’s really all I care about, that’s my transportation.”

(Tony Barnello, 30, east Syracuse, shop clerk, not affiliated with a party.)

“I would like her to appropriate the money so that the project with Destiny USA is completed and not put on the back burner.  It’s not just what they’ll benefit from when it’s completed. It’s also the jobs that are being generated while it’s being completed — all that construction and plumbing and electrician and all the supportive roles that people need to play.  And then also it’s great to have an attraction that people can come to.”

(Tina Henshaw, 34, east Syracuse, nurse, Independence Party)

“I think that would be wise to have more checks and balances with the city school district, especially in light of the recent audit. Financially making sure the money is dispersed properly to really meet the needs of all the students in the schools.  I think, being a mom, that’s the most important to me.”

(Kerri-Sue Adams, 40, east Syracuse, minister, Republican)

“Really, I just want to see a bigger push in education.  I’d like to see more money come into the inner city schools because I feel we have such a big job to do and not enough resources to get it done and it’d be nice just to have, you know, updated textbooks — a little bit more resources to be able to do our jobs.”

(Cynthia Atkins, 27, South Side of Syracuse, middle school teacher for theSyracuse City School DistrictDemocrat)

(Katrina Koerting is a junior with dual majors in newspaper and political science.)


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