CNY Voices: 2013


“I think that something that needs to be worked on is just, like, agreeing with each other from both sides. That’s, like – the most frustrating thing is that nothing can get done because everyone’s arguing about the things that don’t really matter that much.”
(Avery Albert, 20, of Potomac, Md., student at Colgate University, unaffiliated with a political party)

“Ban fracking. Alternative fuels –most  assuredly . Pursue the policies that they’ve started, right to the til.”
(Mike Milliken, 60, of North Syracuse, customer service at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Democrat)

 “I think the biggest issue right now is our economy. I’d like if the government would help out the middle-class and poor people a lot more – and Medicaid. And I think that’s about it.”
(Aloysius Boykins, 21, of Pensacola, Fla., soldier with the United States Army stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y., unaffiliated with a political party)

 “The issues that I’d like them to see is to have an open discussion on pro-life issues – is it a child or is it not? And to not avoid the Constitution in any matter, for Congress or the president, and to not take away people’s Second Amendment rights.”
(James Laspino, 49, of Tipperary Hill, customer service at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, the Conservative Party)

 “The gun situation – I guess find a way to make everyone happy, which isn’t going to happen. But it does need to be worked on. So I feel like maybe guns should be taken away or restricted to certain people.” 
(Victoria Maduemezia, 19, of Wingdale, NY, student at the State University of New York at Oswego, Democrat)

(Heather Norris is a graduate student in magazine, newspaper and online journalism.)


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