Fact-Check: Obama Ad Incomplete on Money from Lobbyists


The Ad:
Title: Obama ad on lowering gas prices
From: Democrat Barack Obama
Type: Ad promoting his independence from lobbyists and oil companies
Date: March 2008, an ad that aired in Indiana and Pennsylvania

What It Says:

In the ad, Obama says: “Exxon’s making 40 billion dollars a year and we’re paying $3.50 for gas. I’m Barack Obama. I don’t take money from oil companies or Washington lobbyists.”

The Facts:

  • “I don’t take money from oil companies…”

It is true that Obama does not take money from oil companies – federal law forbids corporations from writing checks to campaigns under federal election law. But, according to Massie Ritsch is the communications director at the Center for Responsive Politics. The organization calls itself anonpartisan guide to money’s influence on U.S. elections and public policy, on its website, opensecrets.org. Ritsch said that Obama has taken “about $450,000 from employees of oil companies and their families. Still, it’s money from oil and gas.”

  • “…or from Washington lobbyists.”

Again, Obama is only partially accurate. According to Ritsch, “He does not take money from federally registered lobbyists. But, he does take money from people who work at lobbying firms but may not be lobbyists themselves. He takes money from family members of registered lobbyists. He takes money from lobbyists who are registered at the state level. From the lobbying industry, he’s collected about $220,000.”


Obama’s statement is only partly accurate. It would also be hypocritical of him to say that John McCain is taking money from oil companies. Ritsch says, “If one candidate is saying he doesn’t take money from oil companies but accusing the other one of taking oil money then he’s using one methodology for his opponent and another for himself.”

(Landon Sears is a senior majoring in broadcast journalism.)


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