Voters’ Voices: 2013


SAMSUNG“Now let’s face it: How many states are there still left in the United States where you can be fired for being gay? You can be thrown out of your apartment for being gay. You know if you’re a straight person, it’s in no way shape or form of the matter going to harm your marriage.”
(Mark Kavouksorian, 53, of Liverpool, a customer service representative for a railroad company, now unaffiliated with a political party but previously a Republican)

SAMSUNG“Obamacare is the worst thing for the unborn. Our governor’s plan is the worst thing for these unborn.  Abortion not only murders our little unborn baby, but it hurts the mother.”
(Nancy Jay, 67, of northern Liverpool, Syracuse Right to Life chairman, Republican)

SAMSUNG“Even though I am a small business owner and it does affect me, I think that people need more than 7.25 an hour to survive.  This economy does not allow them to prosper at 7.25 an hour.  Does it hurt me? Yes, absolutely.  But I couldn’t live on 7.25 an hour, so how would I expect anyone else?”
(Krystal Morgan, 30, of Cortland, owner of Calio’s in Syracuse, unaffiliated with a political party)

SAMSUNGYou can’t raise a family, let alone a single individual on it.  If you average out student loan payments, rent, utilities, groceries, and such, it’s not enough.  You have to work three minimum-wage jobs just to cover your basic expenses.  If you have family, it’s even worse.  So it definitely needs to come up.  I would argue a living wage versus a minimum wage.”
(Kristine Bialy-Viau, 33, of DeWitt, office administrator, Bird Library Business Services Office, Democrat)

SAMSUNG“There are people who need help.  Every country has people that need help and we as a community, we have to help out because for some reason they are not fortunate to be in good grace or not fortunate to make a lot of money.”(Kasia Prus, 50, of Clay, auditor and supervisor for the New York Office of the Medicaid Inspector General, unaffiliated with a political party)

 (Sean Farrell is a junior with dual majors in broadcast and digital journalism and political science.)


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